2023 Together - PP207A - Pharmacy Executives and Leaders - On Demand
Pharmacy leaders continue to face a myriad of challenges in today’s environment as healthcare organizations continue to strive to improve clinical care and value across the continuum. Presenters will share how they are tackling these challenges through the financial and workforce lens.
- Financial challenges through a variety of projects and programs that touch on billing practices, sterile compounding and drug diversion
- Workforce challenges through the intersection of regulatory compliance and use of technology and mitigation strategies around maintaining a robust pipeline of pharmacy staff
- Rising to New Heights: Bold Strategies for growing revenue and ensuring patient safety
Target Audience
- Healthcare Quality Professionals
- Healthcare Executives
- Nurses
- Pharmacists
- Pharmacy Technicians
- Physicians
- Other Healthcare Professionals
Learning Objectives
- Create a compelling case to resource system-level teams focused on sterile compounding standards compliance and drug diversion prevention.
- Identify various methods to maximize the financial opportunity associated with billing for waste
PP217 | Unleashing System Support for Diversion Prevention and Sterile Compounding
Ryan Stice, PharmD, BCPS, Vice President, Pharmacy, Sutter Health, Sacramento, Calif.
Melanie Horn, PharmD, BCSP, System Sterile Compounding Coordinator, Sutter Health, Sacramento, Calif.
Teresa Liston-Crain, PharmD, DPLA, System Diversion Pharmacy Coordinator, Sutter Health, Sacramento, Calif.
Deborah Simonson, BS, PharmD, CPEL, Chief Pharmacy Officer, Ochsner Health, New Orleans, La.
Neil Hunter, PharmD, BCSCP, MBA, System Director, Sterile Compounding Operations, Ochsner Health, New Orleans, La.
Alexandre Raymond, PharmD, MS, CHC, Director – Drug Diversion Prevention and Response, Compliance, Ochsner Health, New Orleans, La.
PP227 | Optimization for Pharmaceutical Billing
Steven Loborec, PharmD, MS, MPH, BCPS, Associate Director of Pharmacy, The Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center, Columbus, Ohio
Eyal Yazdi, MBA, Associate Director of Pharmacy Business Operations, Yale New Haven Health System, New Haven, Conn.
Marjorie Lazarre, MBA, PharmD, Associate Chief Pharmacy Officer, Yale New Haven Health System, New Haven, Conn.

Credit Types

Interprofessional Continuing Education (IPCE)
This activity was planned by, and for, the healthcare team, and learners will receive 2.00 Interprofessional Continuing Education (IPCE) credits for learning and change.
Nurses (CNE)
Vizient, Inc. designates this enduring material for a maximum of 2.00 ANCC contacts hours.
Pharmacists (CPE)
Vizient, Inc. designates this enduring material for a maximum of 2.00 contact hours for Pharmacists.
Universal Activity Number: JA0006103-0000-23-308-H04-P
Pharmacy Technicians (CPE)
Vizient, Inc. designates this enduring material for a maximum of 2.00 contact hours for pharmacy technicians.
Universal Activity Number: JA0006103-0000-23-308-H04-T
Physicians (CME)
Vizient, Inc. designates this enduring material for a maximum of 2.00 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit(s)™. Physicians should claim only the credit commensurate with the extent of their participation in the activity.
Healthcare Executives (ACHE)
By attending the 2023 Connections Summit offered by Vizient, Inc. participants may earn up to 2.00 ACHE Qualified Education Hours toward initial certification or recertification of the Fellow of the American College of Healthcare Executives (FACHE) designation.
Participants in this program who wish to have it considered for ACHE Qualified Education hours should list their attendance when they apply to the American College of Healthcare Executives for advancement or recertification. Participants are responsible for maintaining a record of their ACHE Qualified Education hours. To self-report, participants should log into their MyACHE account and select ACHE Qualified Education Credit.
Healthcare Quality Professionals (CPHQ)
This activity is approved by NAHQ® for 2.00 CPHQ CE credits.
Other Healthcare Professionals (General CE Credit)
Vizient, Inc. will award a maximum of 2.00 contact hours to all other healthcare professionals who successfully complete the activity. These individuals will receive a Certificate of Participation indicating the maximum credits available.
Many state licensing boards and credentialing bodies accept certificates of participation from accredited CE activities to meet CE requirements for license renewals and re-certification. It is the responsibility of the participant to contact their state licensing board and/or certifying body for verification on credit eligibility reciprocity.
Available Credit
- 2.00 ACHE
- 2.00 ACPE Pharmacist
- 2.00 ACPE Pharmacy Technician
- 2.00 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit™
- 2.00 ANCC
- 2.00 CPHQ – Certified Professional Healthcare Quality
- 2.00 General CE - Attendance
- 2.00 Interprofessional Continuing Education (IPCE)