2022 Stronger - VPH213 - Service Line Strategy: A Cross Service Line Perspective" - On Demand
Sg2® experts will present 10-year growth projections, site-of-care shifts, and adjustments made for ongoing effects of the COVID-19 pandemic, while also discussing, workforce shortages for core growth service lines, including orthopedics, cancer, cardiovascular, neurosciences and behavioral health. They will explain the strongest influences on growth across the care continuum and key service lines, helping organizations learn how to understand and leverage growth opportunities to deliver value-driven care in the decade ahead. Join us to learn the relevant trends across your service lines to anticipate and capture growth.
Target Audience
- Healthcare Executives
Learning Objectives
- Discuss how to anticipate growth opportunities for inpatient and outpatient services in the next three, five and 10 years for high-growth service lines.
- Identify the factors and strategic levers that will most influence future demand.
- Assess how shifts in care delivery locations will impact future growth opportunities.
- Explain how to leverage growth opportunities and better prepare for an evolving system of CARE.
Chad Giese, MBA, Principal, Sg2 Intelligence
Rebecca Limestall, MBA, MHSA, Principal, Sg2 Intelligence

Healthcare Executives (ACHE)
By attending the 2022 Connections Summit offered by Vizient, Inc. participants may earn up to 1.00 ACHE Qualified Education Hours toward initial certification or recertification of the Fellow of the American College of Healthcare Executives (FACHE) designation.
Participants in this program who wish to have it considered for ACHE Qualified Education hours should list their attendance when they apply to the American College of Healthcare Executives for advancement or recertification. Participants are responsible for maintaining a record of their ACHE Qualified Education hours. To self-report, participants should log into their MyACHE account and select ACHE Qualified Education Credit.
Available Credit
- 1.00 ACHE
- 1.00 General CE - Attendance