Professional Practice Skillset * For this educational activity, rate the level of your professional practice skillset, before and after the education. Expert ProficientCompetentAdvance BeginnerNovice Expert ProficientCompetentAdvance BeginnerNovice The level of my professional practice skillset related to the content topic(s) BEFORE completing this education was: The level of my professional practice skillset related to the content topic(s) BEFORE completing this education was: - Expert The level of my professional practice skillset related to the content topic(s) BEFORE completing this education was: - Proficient The level of my professional practice skillset related to the content topic(s) BEFORE completing this education was: - Competent The level of my professional practice skillset related to the content topic(s) BEFORE completing this education was: - Advance Beginner The level of my professional practice skillset related to the content topic(s) BEFORE completing this education was: - Novice The level of my professional practice skillset related to the content topic(s) AFTER completing this education is: The level of my professional practice skillset related to the content topic(s) AFTER completing this education is: - Expert The level of my professional practice skillset related to the content topic(s) AFTER completing this education is: - Proficient The level of my professional practice skillset related to the content topic(s) AFTER completing this education is: - Competent The level of my professional practice skillset related to the content topic(s) AFTER completing this education is: - Advance Beginner The level of my professional practice skillset related to the content topic(s) AFTER completing this education is: - Novice Activity Statements * Please indicate the degree to which you agree or disagree with the following statements: Strongly Agree Agree Neither Agree nor Disagree Disagree Strongly Disagree N/A Strongly Agree Agree Neither Agree nor Disagree Disagree Strongly Disagree N/A I achieved the stated learning objectives. I achieved the stated learning objectives. - Strongly Agree I achieved the stated learning objectives. - Agree I achieved the stated learning objectives. - Neither Agree nor Disagree I achieved the stated learning objectives. - Disagree I achieved the stated learning objectives. - Strongly Disagree I achieved the stated learning objectives. - N/A The educational content was relevant to my professional practice. The educational content was relevant to my professional practice. - Strongly Agree The educational content was relevant to my professional practice. - Agree The educational content was relevant to my professional practice. - Neither Agree nor Disagree The educational content was relevant to my professional practice. - Disagree The educational content was relevant to my professional practice. - Strongly Disagree The educational content was relevant to my professional practice. - N/A This education positively impacts my professional practice as a member of the healthcare team. This education positively impacts my professional practice as a member of the healthcare team. - Strongly Agree This education positively impacts my professional practice as a member of the healthcare team. - Agree This education positively impacts my professional practice as a member of the healthcare team. - Neither Agree nor Disagree This education positively impacts my professional practice as a member of the healthcare team. - Disagree This education positively impacts my professional practice as a member of the healthcare team. - Strongly Disagree This education positively impacts my professional practice as a member of the healthcare team. - N/A This activity met my educational need(s). This activity met my educational need(s). - Strongly Agree This activity met my educational need(s). - Agree This activity met my educational need(s). - Neither Agree nor Disagree This activity met my educational need(s). - Disagree This activity met my educational need(s). - Strongly Disagree This activity met my educational need(s). - N/A This educational format is an effective engagement strategy for delivering the content. This educational format is an effective engagement strategy for delivering the content. - Strongly Agree This educational format is an effective engagement strategy for delivering the content. - Agree This educational format is an effective engagement strategy for delivering the content. - Neither Agree nor Disagree This educational format is an effective engagement strategy for delivering the content. - Disagree This educational format is an effective engagement strategy for delivering the content. - Strongly Disagree This educational format is an effective engagement strategy for delivering the content. - N/A This educational format allowed me to learn with, from, and about other members of the healthcare team. This educational format allowed me to learn with, from, and about other members of the healthcare team. - Strongly Agree This educational format allowed me to learn with, from, and about other members of the healthcare team. - Agree This educational format allowed me to learn with, from, and about other members of the healthcare team. - Neither Agree nor Disagree This educational format allowed me to learn with, from, and about other members of the healthcare team. - Disagree This educational format allowed me to learn with, from, and about other members of the healthcare team. - Strongly Disagree This educational format allowed me to learn with, from, and about other members of the healthcare team. - N/A I will apply what I have learned from this activity to enhance my contribution to the healthcare team. * Agree Disagree Commitment to Practice Change Please list at least one idea or takeaway this activity presented that you plan to share or implement within your healthcare team. * What barriers keep you from implementing new skills/strategies to your professional practice? * What strategies could you employ to address them? What issues are you experiencing in your practice and/or professional responsibilities that could be addressed in a future educational activity? What feedback can we share with the presenters? What additional comments do you have about the activity? This activity was free from the marketing or sales of products or services. * Agree Disagree If you disagree, please describe: This activity was free of commercial bias, meaning it did not show favoritism of a specific product or service of an ineligible company. * Agree Disagree If you disagree, please describe: Leave this field blank