1| Select the poster presentations that you viewed: (Limit 4) Select the poster presentations that you viewed: * P401 - A Substitute for Hard Work P402 - The Collaborative Approach: Decreasing Surgical Supply Variation and Improving Outcomes P403 - A Robust Product Reprocessing Program: A Trifecta of Success P404 - The Route to Savings: Cost Reduction Through Courier Services Overhaul P405 - Reducing Unnecessary Magnesium Laboratory Testing P406 - Hospice Access: Creating a Streamlined System Approach P407 - Acute Care Resource Utilization: Management of Multivisit Patients P408 - Same-Day Discharges: Lower Costs and Improved Patient Satisfaction P409 - Virtual ICU Support of ICU Boarders in ED P410 - Improving Patient Throughput With an Innovative Discharge Command Center P411 - Leveraging AI to Reduce ICU Length of Stay P412 - Front-End Redesign: A Spin on ED Provider in Triage P413 - Reducing Turnaround Time for Routine Inpatient MRIs to Improve Length of Stay P414 - Restoring Patient Flow With a Comprehensive Capacity Management Strategy P415 - A Centralized Throughput Office Drives Bed Turnover and Reduces ED Boarder Hours P416 - Digital by Default for Transitional Care Outreach P417 - Alternative Sites of Care: Nontraditional Solutions to Hospital Discharge Barriers P418 - Surviving the ICU: Now What? P419 - Improving Mortality Using a Tool to Facilitate Cross-Disciplinary Collaboration P420 - Excellence in Cachexia Documentation: An Interdisciplinary Collaboration P421 - Documentation Reduction: Improving Nursing Efficiency and Job Satisfaction P422 - Using Automated Text to Reduce Queries and Enhance Clinical Documentation P423 - Mission POSSIBLE: Reducing Nurses’ Documentation Burden P424 - Multimodal Prehabilitation Improves Postoperative Outcomes in Frail Surgical Oncology Patients P426 - Addressing Telephone Verbal Violence as Part of Workplace Violence P427 - Reducing Mechanical Restraint Use on a Child and Adolescent Psychiatric Unit P428 - Reducing Unnecessary Chest X-Rays in Pediatric ICUs P429 - Remote Patient Monitoring for Diabetes in Pregnancy Improves Outcomes P430 - Reduction in Cholestasis With Introduction of Multidisciplinary Surgical Nutrition Guidelines P431 - Diagnostic Mammogram to Biopsy: A Pathway to Differentiation P432 - The Early Warning Team: A Rapid Response Team for Maternal Hemorrhages P433 - Using Vizient CDB to Drive Performance in Value-Based Care P434 - Mobility Technicians: Outside-the-Box Utilization of Preprofessionals in Hybrid Roles P435 - Pulmonary Disease Navigator: Patient Assessment and Education Reduces Length of Stay P436 - Take It to the Vanc — Implementing AUC:MIC at a Large Health System P437 - Goal-Directed Care Delivery Model for Serious Illness and Advanced Disease P438 - Deprescribing: Reducing Therapeutic Duplications of Incretin-Based Medications in Primary Care P439 - The Strength of Silence: Standardizing a Pharmacy Practice Model P440 - How a Medication-to-Bedside Delivery Program Impacts 30-Day Readmission Rates P441 - Utilizing Metrics to Improve Care for Patients With Sickle Cell Disease P442 - Improving Compliance With Delirium Interventions Through an APRN Consultation P443 - Reducing Hip Fracture Delirium Complications Utilizing Pain Blocks in the ED P444 - Data Analytics in Action: Tackling the Blood Shortage Crisis P445 - Data-Enabled Health Equity: Creating a Framework for Action P446 - Closing 30,334 Care Gaps: Quality Improvement Through Centralized Outreach P447 - Every Risk Is Worth Taking P448 - How to Invigorate Your Safety Culture P449 - Enterprisewide Imaging Safety Net Benefits Everyone: 2.5-Year Results P450 - Leader Rounding: Creating a Safety Culture for Patients and Worker P451 - Supercharge Your Performance Improvement by Transforming to a Project Economy P452 - Use of Contingency Staff to Provide Safe Staffing and Cost Avoidance P453 - Virtual Acute Care Nursing: Impacting Experience With One Click P454 - Transforming a Nurse Residency Program Through Vizient P455 - What Is the Cost of Care? P456 - A Multidisciplinary Approach to Decreasing Clostridioides difficile Events P457 - Systemwide HAI Reduction: One Size Does Not Fit All P458 - End of the Line: Pharmacist Impact on Multidisciplinary CLABSI Mitigation P459 - Beyond the Bundle P460 - QR Equals Quick Response to Simplify OR Equipment Setup P461 - Evaluation of a Discharge Clinic and 30-Day Readmission Rates P462 - Diagnostics Are Trending, But Are You Watching? P463 - Better Flow: Right Care, Right Place, Right Time P464 - Leaping Forward: Designing a Health Equity Data Roadmap P465 - Healthier Together: Integration Accelerated by a Crisis P466 - Addressing PSIs and HACs: We Are Stronger Together as a Team 2| As a result of participating in this Connections Summit poster presentation and as a member of the healthcare team, I am better able to: Please indicate the degree to which you agree or disagree with the following statements: As a result of participating in this Connections Summit session and as a member of the healthcare team, I am better able to: * Strongly Agree 5 Agree 4 Neither Agree nor Disagree 3 Disagree 2 Strongly Disagree 1 Not Applicable 0 Discuss leading team-based practices for measuring, improving and sustaining high quality healthcare-related practices. Discuss leading team-based practices for measuring, improving and sustaining high quality healthcare-related practices. - Strongly Agree 5 Discuss leading team-based practices for measuring, improving and sustaining high quality healthcare-related practices. - Agree 4 Discuss leading team-based practices for measuring, improving and sustaining high quality healthcare-related practices. - Neither Agree nor Disagree 3 Discuss leading team-based practices for measuring, improving and sustaining high quality healthcare-related practices. - Disagree 2 Discuss leading team-based practices for measuring, improving and sustaining high quality healthcare-related practices. - Strongly Disagree 1 Discuss leading team-based practices for measuring, improving and sustaining high quality healthcare-related practices. - Not Applicable 0 Explain how healthcare analytics and/or insights can be used to improve team-based patient care and care delivery. Explain how healthcare analytics and/or insights can be used to improve team-based patient care and care delivery. - Strongly Agree 5 Explain how healthcare analytics and/or insights can be used to improve team-based patient care and care delivery. - Agree 4 Explain how healthcare analytics and/or insights can be used to improve team-based patient care and care delivery. - Neither Agree nor Disagree 3 Explain how healthcare analytics and/or insights can be used to improve team-based patient care and care delivery. - Disagree 2 Explain how healthcare analytics and/or insights can be used to improve team-based patient care and care delivery. - Strongly Disagree 1 Explain how healthcare analytics and/or insights can be used to improve team-based patient care and care delivery. - Not Applicable 0 Describe transformational team-based practices that can be used to achieve healthcare performance improvement Describe transformational team-based practices that can be used to achieve healthcare performance improvement - Strongly Agree 5 Describe transformational team-based practices that can be used to achieve healthcare performance improvement - Agree 4 Describe transformational team-based practices that can be used to achieve healthcare performance improvement - Neither Agree nor Disagree 3 Describe transformational team-based practices that can be used to achieve healthcare performance improvement - Disagree 2 Describe transformational team-based practices that can be used to achieve healthcare performance improvement - Strongly Disagree 1 Describe transformational team-based practices that can be used to achieve healthcare performance improvement - Not Applicable 0 3| This educational format allowed me to learn with, from, and about other members of the healthcare team.Please indicate the degree to which you agree or disagree with this statement: This educational format allowed me to learn with, from, and about other members of the healthcare team. * Strongly Agree Agree Neither Agree nor Disagree Disagree Strongly Disagree Not Applicable 4| I will apply what I have learned from this activity to change and improve my contributions to the healthcare team. Please indicate the degree to which you agree or disagree with this statement: I will apply what I have learned from this activity to change and improve my contributions to the healthcare team. * Please indicate the degree to which you agree or disagree with this statement: Strongly Agree Agree Neither Agree nor Disagree Disagree Strongly Disagree Not Applicable Give an example of how you will integrate changes to a team-based approach: * If you are uncertain, please explain: * If you are not going to apply what you learned, please explain: * 5| Which barrier(s) outside of your control might prevent you, in your role on the healthcare team, to make changes in practice? (select all that apply) Select all that apply: Adverse side-effects of treatment Challenges among members of the care team Organizational Insurance/financial Patient compliance/adherence Time/resources No barriers Other: Which barrier(s) outside of your control might prevent you, in your role on the healthcare team, to make changes in practice? Other: 6| This session was free from the marketing or sales of products or services.Please indicate the degree to which you agree or disagree with this statement: This session was free from the marketing or sales of products or services. Strongly Agree Agree Neither Agree nor Disagree Disagree Strongly Disagree Not Applicable If you perceived bias based on marketing and/or the sales of products or services, please explain your experience: Additional Comments 7| Identify topic areas where you need more education to improve your contributions as a member of the healthcare team: Identify topic areas where you need more education to improve your contributions as a member of the healthcare team: 8| List any additional comments or feedback related to the poster presentations or presenters:When commenting on a specific poster, please include the poster number: List any additional comments or feedback related to the poster presentations or presenters: 9| List any additional comments or feedback related to this poster session: List any additional comments or feedback related to this poster session: Leave this field blank