(N/A) Not satisfied< Very Satisfied (10)
Course overall
Course met my expectations
How likely would you be to recommend this course
(N/A) (0) Strongly Disagree < > Strongly Agree (10)
Demonstrated expertise in the subject matter
Communicated in a manner that held my attention
Used effective instructional techniques
Presented content in an objective, evidence-based manner
(N/A) (0) Strongly Disagree < > Strongly Agree (10)
Content was relevant and applicable
Information acquired will impact results in my work and/or organization
Opportunities were available to learn from other participants
Course was valuable based on time involved and benefits received
Audiovisuals added value to learning experience
Course handouts and/or prerequisites were effective, where applicable
Length of course was appropriate
Physical facilities were conducive to learning
The course was free from commercial bias and was presented in an objective manner
(N/A) (0) Strongly Disagree < > Strongly Agree (10)
This course met the specified learning objectives

